Reply to Ross
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Etiquette dictates I not post on my newspaper website, but you ask an interesting question that deserves an answer.
So here's why I don't run for office, even though as recently as last month, there was a strong effort to get me to do so.
I'm not a politician. I'm a reporter. I write about issues and hope to influence in some way the people who can make decisions on them.
To run for office would also mean quitting my job. A reporter loses objectivity if she is a member of council, even if she takes a leave of absence. It's that simple. I know others in Kamloops disagree, but it's an age-old journalistic truth.
There are other ways to make changes that we, as reporters at KTW, can do -- and are doing.
All of my colleagues gathered together gifts, money and ideas for fundraising to help the youth safehouse run by the Interior Community Services. It provides shelter to a segment of the homeless many people forget about -- those between the ages of 13 and 19. We supplied about four dozen gift bags, enough food for them to be sick of leftovers for several days, bedding -- they hadn't been able to buy new bedding for more than a decade.
Some of us organized a fundraiser for the Kamloops Food Bank and will be doing two more in 2009.
So, Ross, I'll be staying behind my Mac at work. It's where I should be.
I wasn't be snarky. You should run and kick some ass.
Maybe someday, Ross, but right now too many stories out there to tell, too many people getting tasered by cops, too many homeless people and too many apathetic residents who think because you have a nameplate on your door you're an important person.
But thanks.