Showers update
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Well, what a surprise. Exactly what Bob Hughes of the AIDS Society of Kamloops (ASK) said would happen actually happened.
And yes, they're all couching in terms like "wait and see," "small steps," "let's find out what's needed," but the reality is that the North Shore Business Improvement Association (NSBIA) finally realized it has no business deciding if ASK can have showers in its facility for the marginalized.
It's fair to wonder if the compromise one-handicapped-shower-for-now is the result of some neanderthal businessperson on Tranquille Road, who threatened a lawsuit if the showers went in.
It's also fair to wonder on what basis such a lawsuit might be launched and why the NSBIA would even give this person credibility -- but the end result is a small toe has made it through that door to social justice.
Baby steps. It's annoying, but it's a reality.
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