Quit catering to the NSBIA
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
I'm not doing a column for the paper this week but, if I was, it would be asking Mayor Terry Lake and some of the councillors when they're going to stop thinking all their decisions on issues affecting the North Shore must go through the North Shore Business Improvement Association first.
This is the same group that threw a major hissy whyen the SHOP program was taken over by the AIDS Society of Kamloops, and relocated to its Tranquille Road offices.
And, before its GM, Peter Mutrie, hops on the phone and calls to berate me, I know the NSBIA board has learned from that fiasco, has discovered the Tranquille Market is not sex-trade worker central and that ASK is running a good program that is helping people who desperately need a hand up.
A bunch of unionists with Local 7819 of the United Steelworkers want to install showers, washers and dryers at the ASK building for street people and the marginalized to use
Some of the showers will be designed for handicapped people.
This is a good thing. These unionists deserve commendation and a heartly thank you for doing what many won't do — offering that hand up.
All they needed was some bureaucratic requirements waived and the work can get started.
Instead, the mayor decides this should be run by the NSBIA. And Coun. Joe Leong agrees.
It's another example of how the mayor seems to want to placate business at the expense of the marginalized.
There was absolutely no logical reason at all to run this by Mutrie and his board. The union is committing up to $15,000. It needs some permit fees waived and approvals through City Hall sped up so it can get the work done.
It was a no-brainer and thankfully, Coun. Tina Lange spoke up, spoke logically and, in the end, council unanimously pased her motion to do what the union's rep, Robert Boyce, had requested.
There are times when different organizations needs to be consulted on issues that council must address. There are many issues when the public itself must be consulted.
But showers and washing machines?
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