Random Musings #3
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Found out this week that the Food Bank board and director here are still trying to find out how I learned the things I learned that led to some stories that the food bank folks didn't really like all that much.
Seems they're determined to believe that I had to be given the information, that I couldn't have found it all by myself.
And making this belief so easy for them is the fact that one of my co-workers a sales dude, happens to be the chair of the city's social planning council. One plus one equals betrayal, right?
I've told them and told them that I pulled the information together from three separate sources, had to bluff a bit to get some of it and then had to put it all together to figure out what was really happening.
It's what reporters do. We have contacts, sources, people in the know who know us. We ask questions and eventually, we start to see not just answers but a direction to a story.
So, should any of you people with the food bank read this (like that's gonna happen), here's what you need to know: Get over it. The stories are last month's news. Quit witch-hunting and do what you're supposed to do. And when I tell you I don't get my information from my co-worker, largely because that's way too easy and not nearly as much fun as digging it out, believe it.
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